Access NI Checks
Access NI Checks are a crucial tool for employers in Northern Ireland, helping them make informed decisions during recruitment and maintain the highest standards of safety and trust in their organizations. As a registered Access NI Umbrella Body, we're here to help you navigate the complex world of criminal record checks in Northern Ireland. Whether you're hiring new staff or checking the records of current employees, we're here to make the process as smooth and straightforward as possible. Contact us today to get started with your Access NI checks.
What is an Access NI Check?
Access NI Checks are an integral part of the recruitment process in Northern Ireland. There are three levels of checks: Basic, Standard, and Enhanced. The level of check required depends on the nature of the role and the specific responsibilities involved.
Who Needs an Access NI Check?
Access NI Checks are required by individuals applying for roles that involve a certain level of responsibility or care for others in Northern Ireland.
This includes, but is not limited to, jobs in healthcare, education, social services, and roles that involve working with children or vulnerable adults. Employers in these sectors are legally obliged to request these checks to ensure the safety and wellbeing of their clients.
Furthermore, any employer can request a Basic Access NI Check during the recruitment process to reveal unspent convictions of job applicants or volunteers
Who are Access NI?
Access NI is the name given to the system used in Northern Ireland to carry out criminal record checks. The checks are administered by Access NI, which is a branch of the Department of Justice.
The primary role of Access NI is to process applications from individuals and employers who require a criminal record check for employment purposes.
Basic Access NI Check
A Basic Access NI Check reveals any unspent convictions of job applicants or volunteers. This type of check is often used during recruitment to ensure the safety and integrity of the workplace.
Any person or business is eligible to apply for a Basic Access NI Check.
Standard Access NI Check
A Standard Access NI Check reveals both spent and unspent convictions, cautions and informed warnings. Employers in certain professions, such as lawyers or accountants, are required to get standard checks.
This level provides employers with a more comprehensive view of an applicant's criminal history
Enhanced Access NI Check
The Enhanced Access NI Check is the most detailed check. It reveals an individual's full criminal record, including spent and unspent convictions, cautions, informed warnings, other non-court disposals, and any relevant information held by the police.
This type of check is typically required when an individual is applying for a role that involves a high level of responsibility or care for others.
Frequently asked questions
What are the three different levels of Access NI Check?
The three levels of Access NI Check are Basic, Standard, and Enhanced. Each level of check reveals more information than the last (you can find a comprehensive breakdown at the top of this page).
The level of check required depends on the type of work being carried out and whether or not you will be engaging with or supporting certain vulnerable groups, like children.
How long are Access NI Certificates valid?
There is no official expiry date for an AccessNI check, so it could be argued they are always valid. However, any information revealed on a certificate reflects information held on criminal records and by police at the time the check was issued.
This means that in certain roles or industries, Access NI Checks need to be carried out periodically to ensure continued compliance.
How long do Access NI Checks take?
According to figures from Access NI, 99% of Basic and Standard Checks are completed within 7 days.
The time taken to complete checks can vary a bit more. Around 70% are completed within 10 days, 95% within 21 days, and 98% within 28 days.
These turnaround times can vary due to things like police workload and the volume of checks being carried out at the time.
Can I Dispute the Results of an Access NI Check?
Absolutely! If you have received an Access NI Certificate with incorrect information you can dispute the results within 90 days of the certificate being issued.
For incorrect personal information, Access NI will investigate whether the problem was on their end, or a mistake on the application. If they have made the error, they will issue a new certificate.
If you believe that criminal record information was included incorrectly, you can dispute this by completing a form here.
Ready to speak to one of our experts?
We have background checking experts ready and waiting to help guide you in making the right decisions for your business.