Disclosure Scotland Basic Checks
For employers in Scotland, criminal record checks are conducted by Disclosure Scotland, an Executive Agency of the Scottish Government. They are responsible for conducting criminal record checks, managing the barred lists, and the Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVG). Personnel Checks are a registered Umbrella Body for Disclosure Scotland, offering support for Basic Scottish Disclosure applications.
Types of Disclosure Scotland Check
There is a range of circumstances where someone may need a criminal record check. The amount of information needed to be disclosed can vary depending on the situation. This is why there are three different levels of Disclosure Scotland Checks available to be carried out.
The Basic Disclosure reveals the least or most basic amount of information. The amount of information disclosed then increases as you move up to the Standard and then Enhanced Disclosure.
You can read more about each check entails below or you can check out our article here.
Basic Scottish Disclosure Checks
As a registered body for Disclosure Scotland, Personnel Checks can help your organisation process Basic Scottish Disclosure Checks (Disclosure Scotland Basic Checks)
To discuss your requirements with an account manager, click the button below!
Why Personnel Checks?
Personnel Checks are one of the UK’s leading Umbrella Bodies for both the Disclosure & Barring Service and Disclosure Scotland. As members of both the Criminal Records Trade Body (CRTB) and the Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA), we’re up to date with current best practices and any coming changes to legislation. Thousands of organisations across the UK already rely on our screening solutions. They stay with us for our 5-star service, rapid turnaround times and one of the lowest recorded error rates.
If you’re looking for a background screening provider to support your business and safeguarding your recruitment, whether it’s for one check or ten thousand checks, get in touch! You can give us a call on 01254 355659 or request a callback from an account manager by clicking the button below.
Frequently asked questions
Who needs a Disclosure Scotland Check?
Disclosure Scotland Checks are generally needed when applying for certain types of work. This could be the case whether it’s paid or unpaid work, or a volunteer role. Many businesses choose to run Basic Disclosure Checks to ensure they are safeguarding their business. In some industries, Disclosure Scotland Checks are a mandatory or regulatory requirement.
How Much Are the Checks?
The list price for the Basic, Standard and Enhanced Scottish Disclosures are £49.99 (Government Fee: £25 + £24.99 Admin Fee).
Discounts are available for customers processing checks in volume. To discuss your needs with sales, click the button below.
How long does a Disclosure Scotland Check take?
According to Disclosure Scotland, 90% of all checks are completed within 14 days (not including postage time). This, however, isn’t a maximum and checks can take longer if there are mistakes on the application form, or, if Disclosure Scotland needs to contact you for more information.
Who Needs to Apply to the PVG Scheme?
Any person applying for a role that involves carrying out ‘regulated work’ must apply to the PVG Scheme. Once registered on the PVG Scheme, applicants are issued with a copy of their scheme record.
Employers recruiting for a role involving regulated work must make sure they have seen a copy of a candidate’s PVG Scheme record before employing them.
What is ‘Regulated Work’?
Regulated work is simply work that unsuitable individuals cannot do. There are two types of regulated work and either involves working with children or protected adults. Common roles defined as regulated work are doctors, nurses, teachers and childminders.
There are certain other roles classed as regulated work. These generally involve being in a position of trust, such as being a charity trustee. You can find more information about what is classed as regulated work here.
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