Top 5 Things to get your HR Ahead for 2022

Now that the new year is in full swing, it’s a good time to start taking stock of your HR. Here we’ve put together our top five areas that you need to check up on to make sure your HR is ahead of the game for 2022/23.  

Audit your hiring practices 

Unfortunately, employee fraud has been on the rise in the past few years. A study from the University of Portsmouth in 2019 found that this type of fraud costs UK employers £24 billion. With businesses taking a hit financially over the pandemic you need to be sure you’re not losing money through your recruitment practice. 

A business meeting
A calendar with red pins in certain dates

While you need to know what going on outside of your business, it's just as important to have a comprehensive internal calendar. Things like employee birthdays and service anniversaries can also be a great way to make employees feel recognised.  

On top of this you should consider marking down a few of the more playful awareness days, such as ‘International Fun at Work Day,’ or ‘International Coffee Day.’ Having some light-hearted events (or free coffee) can help engage employees and improve morale. 

If you need more information about how Personnel Checks can support your HR team, get in touch! You can give us a call on 01254 355688 or drop us an email to and we’ll be more than happy to talk through the best solution for you! 


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