Latest news from Personnel Checks
Bringing you the latest insights from the background screening industry
Navigating Safer Recruitment in Social Care - Beyond DBS Checks
In this article, we look at why Safer Recruitment is so much more than DBS Checks. It explores the essential elements of safer recruitment in social care, including reference checks, qualifications, and comprehensive training.
Overseas Recruitment Drive not enough to solve Healthcare Staffing Crisis
In the past year, we have seen the number of DBS Checks processed for healthcare-related roles grow by over 150%. But despite a huge recruitment push across the health and social care sectors, there is still a huge volume of unfilled vacancies.
The Challenges Faced by Unpaid Carers in the UK
Carer’s Week 2021 seeks to highlight the amazing unpaid work carried out by millions of unpaid carers in the UK every day. The focus for this year is to ‘Make Caring Visible and Valued’ with that in mind we thought we’d shed some light on some of the key facts and figures relating to unpaid care.