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From ACE to SEND: A Glossary Of Common Safeguarding Acronyms
This informative blog post offers a clear and concise breakdown of common acronyms from ACE to SEND. Whether you’re a professional in healthcare, education, or social work, this guide is an invaluable tool to navigate the often complex terminology used in safeguarding practices.
Church of England welcomes Professor Alexis Jay to develop Safeguarding
In the wake of the ISB's disbandment, the Church of England welcomes Professor Alexis Jay to develop a fully independent safeguarding structure. This appointment reflects the Church of England's commitment to safeguarding and improvement.
Keeping Children Safe IN Education: What’s changing?
In this guest post, we've got Rachael Bishop, the Managing Director of RLB Safeguarding, sharing some valuable insights on the updated Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance that has recently been released.
Cybersecurity and the Remote Workforce - How to Protect Your SME in a Digital World
Delve into the cybersecurity risks of remote work for UK SMEs and uncover practical solutions to protect your business and employees from cyberattacks, data breaches, and insider threats.
Report into West Midlands child sex abuse ring will not be published
A child sex abuse ring in Walsall and Wolverhampton, involving 21 people, has been convicted of offences against seven children aged 12 years old or younger spanning nearly a decade. Thirteen defendants have been jailed with four to be sentenced later and another four given non-custodial sentences. The Walsall Safeguarding Partnership have decided not to release the report into the case.
Navigating Safer Recruitment in Social Care - Beyond DBS Checks
In this article, we look at why Safer Recruitment is so much more than DBS Checks. It explores the essential elements of safer recruitment in social care, including reference checks, qualifications, and comprehensive training.
Tackling Cuckooing: Proposed Amendments to Modern Slavery Act Explained
The Centre for Social Justice has proposed changes to legislation to protect victims of "cuckooing" - the practice of drug gangs taking over someone's home for their criminal activities. The proposal has gained support from politicians and campaigners, including MPs Jess Phillips and Iain Duncan Smith.
Della's Law: Closing the Loophole That Lets Sex Offenders Change Their Names
The UK has a serious safeguarding loophole that allows registered sex offenders to change their name by deed poll, slipping through the radar of authorities and putting vulnerable people at risk. The Safeguarding Alliance is calling for urgent changes to legislation, and Della's Law aims to close the loophole.
DfE Finds significant potential for safeguarding harm in out-of-school-settings
A recent pilot study from the Department of Education (DfE) has found that out-of-school-settings (OOSS) are not as safe as assumed. The study, which had a budget of £3 million, aimed to identify and intervene in OOSS where safeguarding concerns were found. The DfE has promised to take action to tackle the issue.
Operation Encompass: Safeguarding Partnership Rolls out across Northern Ireland
One in five UK children have witnessed or experienced domestic abuse. Operation Encompass is a UK-wide initiative to improve support and protection for children exposed to domestic abuse. It is a safeguarding partnership between the police and education providers. Recently introduced legislation means the initiative is now rolling out across Northern Ireland.
FA Announce New Safeguarding Regime
Since 2016 the FA have been committed to overhauling the safeguarding standards in all aspects of the game. Working alongside the NSPCC, Ann Craft Trust and survivor groups, the FA have now produced a comprehensive safeguarding document to help guide the future of the sport.
IICSA Report Reveals NEw Recommendations for Residential Schools
The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) has released its most recent report. In this investigation, IICSA has looked at special residential schools, boarding schools and music schools. Here we look at their key recommendations.
FA and NSPCC launch ‘Play Safe’ scheme to improve safeguarding in football
The FA and NSPCC have launched a joint campaign highlighting the importance of safeguarding children in football. Backed by major footballing institutions and clubs across the country the Play Safe campaign highlights the importance of listening to children when they voice any concerns
DBS Barred Lists Grow by over 4000
Each year the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) publish figures of their annual performance including barring figures. Barring is a vital aspect of the DBS’ mission to safeguard the UK public from harm. In the report this year, they’ve revealed that the number of individuals on the barred lists has grown by over 4000.
Tips for Safeguarding Your Children Online This Summer
With UK children spending more and more time online, knowing how to safeguard them properly is always a concern. When it comes to protecting young people in online spaces, even if you think you’re tech-savvy it can be hard to know where to start. That’s why we’ve put together these tips.
Loophole allowing dangerous criminals to bypass DBS safeguards to be reviewed by the UK Government
Campaigners recently welcomed the news that a government review is to be launched into a legal loophole that allows sex offenders to change their names and effectively disappear from the eyes of the law. This means that previous offences might not be disclosed on DBS Checks, allowing dangerous individuals to work with children or vulnerable adults.
What Online Racists Need to Know About Football Banning Orders
Football Banning Orders (FBOs) were first introduced in 2000. These orders are issued to prevent violence and disorder relating to football matches and tournaments. In response to the abuse from a vocal minority online, following the Euro 2020 finals, the government have committed to extending the guidance to include online abuse.
Police National Computer Overhaul following Major Problems
Following the deletion of huge numbers of criminal records on the Police National Computer (PNC) an independent inquiry urged the government to update the ‘inflexible’ system. The Home Office hopes to launch the new Law Enforcement Data (LED) system by 2023.
The Most Common Safeguarding Errors and How to Avoid Them
While you might have the best interest of your staff and clients in mind, it's important to be aware of some of the more common safeguarding mistakes you could make. Awareness is often the first step towards action, which is why we’ve broken down some of the typical errors we come across when it comes to safeguarding in the workplace.
What Actions Should Schools Be Taking in Light of #EveryonesInvited
The success of the #EveryonesInvited movement goes to show just how pervasive the culture of abuse in UK education has become. As schools across the nation start preparing for the most comprehensive set of inspections in generations, we take a look at some of the areas they should be looking at.